I was sad to see this online and I send my love to your family. I knew Jerry when the family lived in Peoria and I have never forgotten my friend Lisa. I have not been good about staying in touch through these years but I have fond memories on the Manheim family and I loved being in their home. They always showed me warm hospitality and loved to get to know Lisa's friends. I remember our visits to Long Beach and I was always impressed with Jerry's love of education and his hardy laugh. The love he had for his family was always known to be even as a young teenager. We value those virtues as we age, as least I do. Lisa if you read this do reach out as I would love to catch up with some 40 more years of life. I send to you my love as you say good bye to your Dad and my love to your mom. I watched your video and was so very touched. Love your family.

Added: April 15, 2019
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My siblings and I are so shocked to hear now in January of Jerry's October death, and we are all filled with such sadness for your terrible loss, and so many memories of Jerry's beautiful years with wonderful Sylvia and the amazingly talented Manheim kids, and Jerry's years of closeness with our beloved mom, Iris. Farewell, dear Jerry, and we send our infinite empathy for the family's truly immeasurable loss. I just viewed your incredible video montage, and hearing the Phil Ochs song at the end just broke my heart. All my love & deepest sympathy, Nora

Added: January 27, 2012
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For nearly 25 years the Manheim clan has been offering me love, friendship, laughs, and encouragement. I value you all and love Jerry and Sylvia more than you know. There is a reason my kids, first thing in the morning in Skamania, always wanted to go to Jerry and Sylvia's. Children know things.
From Dina, Noah, and Maya, all our love. All of it.

Added: November 16, 2011
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Jerry was my favorite virtual pen pal. I have a treasure trove of math puzzles, political screeds, and bad jokes going back nearly a decade. When he didn't write back the last couple of times I thought he was saving it up for masterpiece involving Let's Make A Deal percentages, Occupy Wall Street, and a blond. I will sorely miss him.

Added: November 15, 2011
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I remember my happy times spent visiting with Jerry and Sylvia in Oregon, and I remember he took me to visit the sherif office there, which was an experience.
I was so glad to have been able to attend his 80th birthday party.

I would like to wish long life to Sylvia and all the family.

Added: November 13, 2011
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I met Karl 34 years ago when we went to China together and I think I've been a member of the extended Manheim family ever since. Both Jerry and Sylvia made a point of welcoming me when I moved to LA in 1994 and I shall be eternally grateful for their extended kindness.

Part of it was the shared common experience. My father too was a victim of the blacklist and McCarthyism. I know it weighed heavily on both my parents and to their credit they rejected the offers to turn on their friends. My father and Sylvia's brother Bill were friends and that connection was how I was able to go to China in the first place.

I also loved to go down that dark path known as an extended conversation/discussion/argument with Jerry which of course I never won. And I laughed at his jokes. Being particularly incompetent in that areas myself--if you knew my father you'd know it runs in the family--I always laughed, regardless of how silly. And the priest on the plane doing a cross word puzzle still gets me.

I have also occasionally cadged his "I was born right the first time" though I've always given credit. It was far too perfect and succinct to come from me.

My best to the entire family and especially to Sylvia.


Added: November 8, 2011
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I just realized that Jerry and my mother were born the same year and passed the same year 2 months apart ! That is where the similarity remains. Jerry and Sylvia have been my alter - parents for about 25 years now. I was always fascinated by their personalities and ability to make me welcome from day one. They were the Arty , Intellectual , world loving types I thought I was supposed to have for parents. I think I must have been separated at birth from them ! Jerry , I will never lose the feeling of your warm , loving hugs. May your Spirit endure for all who knew you . I will miss you but I look forward to being with Sylvia , your loving , warm hearted wife soon . Bravo for guiding and giving to such a wonderful family.

Added: November 7, 2011
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Jerry-the alpha male in the family as the first grandson to Fronie, and nephew to Anne and Fanny. He was my "big brother" cousin who taught me to dance-whose picture I would show off to friends because he was so handsome.
But Jerry could be frustrating too. My cautionary tale to my children and grandchildren was: When I was at the U of Illinois, Jerry was there as well. I thought I was going to be a math major, but when I got to analytical geometry, I was lost. I called Jerry and told him I was failing, and was going to drop the course. He told me he would help me-not to worry. Well, I failed every test, couldn't do the homework, and was getting desperate. At last,the night before the final exam, Jerry sat down with me and explained analytical geometry. What a teacher! I got a B on the final-but a D in the course. Needless to say, I was not a math major anymore. But Jerry sure was a good teacher. My kids heard the story, and the caution-if you're lost in a course, get help immediately, or DROP the course.
Our family is diminshed by his death-but his legacy lives on in his children and grandchildren. Cuz elinor

Added: November 7, 2011
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Jerry and my mom, Anita Bard, went to Senn High School in Chicago together around 1940. Jerry became part of my life decadaes later, when Lisa and I met at Poly High. He was the coolest friend's dad of all time, making us laugh and getting us to like math. As time went by Jerry and I developed a friendship of our own. He loved to hear first hand my stories about Mexico, my adopted country. He visited us in the 1990's and we shlepped him to pyramids, museums and taco stands, which he relished! Jerry always offered solid advice, free videos and the world's best kumquat jam. He had the most original business card I have ever seen: Jerome H. Manheim, Cynic. In recent years he and Sylvia came to all my birthday parties in Long Beach, which always made me feel special. The mark of a great life is to be remembered. In our home, Jerry will be cited often and never forgotten. Our hearts go out to Sylvia, Karl, Lisa & Paul, Camryn and to those 3 "boys" Jerry could never kvell enough about. Love, Adie, Roberto, Justino, Bianca and Mauricio

Added: November 6, 2011
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I think of Jerry as a reluctant but couragous captain sailing down the Rhine River on the Manheim barge. His presence will always be out there, quietly navigating the waters, holding the barge afloat with his dry wit, the sardonic glimmer in his eyes. What a rich journey he had, what knowledge he accrued and what a grand captain he was. I feel privileged to have shared a moment of that journey. He remains in my heart.

My love and condolence to Sylvia and the family. "Hallie"

Added: November 5, 2011
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