Jerome Henry Manheim
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Remembering Jerry
From friends, family and creditors

Jerry led me into adulthood by example.  He taught me to analyze social issues, looking at all sides, before I made a conclusion. He taught me to judge people by their character and their principles.

He was forever the teacher trying to make me understand physics and math above my previous exposure. I nodded a lot but didn't comprehend a lot.

Jerry was a man to be admired for his humanity and intense drive for justice.

I no longer have someone to share childhood memories, but I will cherish the memories we had together.

I'm thankful for having Jerry as my bro.

Sylvia, Karl, Lisa, Camryn, Noah, Micah, Milo, and Paul, our thoughts
and love are with you at this difficult time.

Love, Elaine Elenbogen


Please know that our thoughts and love are with you all.  I am sorry that we cannot be there in person, but you can be assured that we will come to the Skamania service. Losing Uncle Jerry came as a great shock to us.  He was truly a remarkable person and his loss is one that is deeply felt.

Uncle Jerry was a model in many things. He fought for justice and the preservation of human rights.  If the cause was right, he could be counted on to help. He was a man who truly cared about making the world a better place.

He embraced life, seeking out the joy, logic, beauty and humor in all things.  He was inquisitive and had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding.  This thirst was not limited to his profession in mathematics. He believed, as Descartes stated, “It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.”

Uncle Jerry was a lifelong learner.  His interests seemed almost limitless, but included: mathematics, logic, education, art, law, physics, cooking, and most importantly humanity. It was not enough for him to scratch the surface, he truly tried to understand and experience many of these areas and he demonstrated creativity and talent in many of the areas that he explored.  He loved to discuss and debate issues of great import and frequently e-mailed about issues, thoughts, findings, philosophy and humor.  He celebrated life and family.

I will always remember and miss my uncle who in many ways served as an example of the good that life offers.

Love, Janet Elenbogen


Jerry Manheim was a man of all ages, a man to be admired and respected. He touched many people as a college professor and dean and contact with Jerry influenced people for the better.

He leaves behind as he was himself, a family with intellect, creativity and the drive to make the world a better place to live. In addition and more important, he leaves a family who care and give to others. He and his wife were a concerned and giving pair. He would not back down from those in authority regardless of negative repercussions. Collecting and distributing medicines for those in need was common.

Everyone in my family can cite an anecdote in mathematics or life which made them see areas more clearly.

He gave love to those from all segments of society. He called almost every night to inquire about the health of my wife and myself. Many, many, people are better people having been under the influence of this man.

I am very proud to say he was my brother-in-law, a man to be loved. He will never be forgotten.

Mort Elenbogen

Mort 1 Mort 2


I am sorry that I will not be able to be there with you on Friday. I have written a small memory to share on Friday if you feel it is appropriate.

Jerry Manheim was an extraordinary educator as well as a loving uncle.

He was able to ignite the  imaginations of young people and convey the excitement of discovery. Once when Uncle Jerry came to
visit, I was  learning multiplication. My teacher was having the  class learn multiplication by memorization. Uncle Jerry, wrote out parts of the multiplication table and asked me to fill in the rest. I was able to discover that multiplication was repeated additionand experience the joy of understanding.  He knew that finding the why behind multiplication was the key to learning and the real joy of mathematics.  

On later visits Uncle Jerry talked to me about infinitesimal numbers and the infamous snowplow problem from differential equations.  He was able to share his joy and curiosity of mathematics and puzzles with me and it is a gift I truly cherish.

My thoughts are with you.

Love, Bruce Elenbogen
Jerrys Sisters Son


Dearest “Uncle jer squared”
Was rational even when irrational
His digits painted patterns
Abstract like prime numbers
He was only divisible by himself

He wrote in equations
To solve inequalities

His left brain, left wing politics
was greater than, less than, or equal to
His right brain, find the right answer, riddles
That were greater than, less than, or equal to
His unparalleled emailed wisdoms
Only reduced in value by
The infinity of his generosity

My dearest Uncle Jerry,
Husband of beloved Aunt Sylvia
Father of the most brilliant, giving cousins
Karl, Lisa and Camryn
Noah, Micah, Milo and Paul,
You live on in them all
And in all the other family and friends
Where you always made sense of the senseless
And in me
Never to be forgotten, always to be loved


Laura Vural (Nuchow)

Jerry and I shared a love for Red Vine Black Licorice sticks. I brought some today for Jerry as I always did – to replace what I had devoured in previous visits with him.  For those who like licorice, please go ahead, take and share some licorice with me for Jerry.

Jerry’s heart, soul, spirit, wisdom, humor is alive and well with us today and will continue from what he and Sylvia gave all of us with their children Karl, Lisa and Camryn and their grandchildren Noah, Micah and Milo. 

They are Jerry’s living legacy to love for family, commitment to humanity, passion for justice and sanity in our world, compassion and aid to those of us in need of a leg up.

I’m so grateful that Jerry and Sylvia together, shared all that love, commitment, passion and compassion with me. Jerry and Sylvia always came through for me in my times of need.  I am thankful of Jerry’s living legacy through his children and grandchildren - continually amazed of their constant generosity as they give of themselves time and time again.

Bobby Nuchow

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