Jerome Henry Manheim
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My heart is so heavy.  Jerry and I were buddies for a long, long time. He was one of my all-time favorite people.

I think you all know that I visited Jerry and Sylvia more frequently in the last 3 years. Our last visit was just 4 weeks ago.

Although Jerry looked a bit gaunt, his spirit somehow had rebounded. He seemed much more lucid than in the summer. In a way I think he was  more content than I had seen him in a while. He didn't complain about his health even once during our visit.

That day he served me a platter of funky cheeses and proudly told me how he bought them at Sprouts, a great new discount store he and Sylvia had discovered. We joked about his Calmex shopping days.  He tried to show me a 2-hour video. Sylvia mentioned they were planning to go to Tai Chi class together.

I confess that in recent years, as my mother has begun to lose her memory and awareness of who she is,  I turned to your parents as surrogates. They provided  me with advice, comfort, humor, searing political commentary, a bagel or two and the world's best kumquat jam.

Jerry always hit me up with a curious mix of dumb Blonde jokes and provocative math problems which, in his endless faith in me, he truly believed I could solve.

I'm sorry to say I still have not solved the last one, which had something to do with match sticks.  I guess now that I never will.

I wish I could be there with all of you as you lay him to rest.  But know that I am there in spirit.

Roberto, Justino, Bianca and Mauricio join me in sending you all our deepest sympathy.

Love Always, Adie Bard


Our sincere condolences. Please send our special love to Sylvia. Jerry was so special! While it has been decades since we have seen him, we remember him fondly.

Don & Barbara Goldman


So sorry to hear this news. Please convey our love and sympathies to Sylvia and to your whole family. Jerry was one of a kind and we'll miss him.

all best, Kim and Mario Milosevic


I remember like yesterday the day my father died.  I was 50 and he was 82.  It was a very tough and tumultuous time for me.   We hadn't been exceptionally close for a great part of my life, but had developed an exceptional appreciation for each other in later life that covered a vast landscape.   I still miss him still today.  I know that your hurt and pain are especially acute.  But, please know that all of us who are remembering Jerry and all that he meant to all of us miss him dearly also.  We empathize with you and wish you peace in the days in front of you.  You have many friends who understand and acknowledge your pain.  But we also are joyous in the gentle passing and the bright light that Jerry left in all of us.

May your days ahead be filled with wonderful memories and remembrances of the good times with your father.

Angus Anderson


I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad.  And so glad to have known him. He was a feisty and special man. Thank you for letting me know.  I hope you and your family, and of course your mom, are holding up as best as possible. I'd feel honored to be there to celebrate his life.

My thoughts are with you. 

Hallie Heilville


We were very sorry to hear about your loss. Vicki talked to Sylvia briefly and she was still in shock. We know this is a difficult time, if we can help in any way let us know. Our thoughts are with you. Take care.

John and Vicki Prendergast

We are so very sorry for you and your family.  

Harvey and Lynn Geminder

I am sad at this death because he did so many good things starting with scholarship in mathematics and anarchy.  (By the way from the group that played together Ed Zimmerman died August 11.He was Professor of Physics at The University of Nebraska.).  I am sorry that I cannot come to the memorial for Jerry.  I have difficulty getting to the University of Michigan where Karla is Professor of English and driver for me. Since my retirement from teaching and Quakering and getting old I am sure that Sylvia will have a healthy group coming to this party.

Love and Peace, Dick Taylor

I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Nothing can prepare us emotionally for the loss of a loved one - we know. The hurt is deep and sadness fill every possible opening.
Please give your family our love. We will contact Sylvia soon but in the mean time, please pass on an enormous hug from us.

Xoxoxoxo, Linda Guenste Hertzel

SO SORRY for your Mom and all of you hearing this news.  Please send LOVE and energy to ALL ...he was quite a guy.  I even managed to laugh at many jokes he had !   ( only for him )        I pray it was quick and Sylvia is doing okay.  I wish I could be with you spirit is.    

PEACE. I was happy to remember what a good summer you had together this year... memories will sustain you.

I'm sending my love and sympathy. Give my love to everybody.
It's never easy to lose a parent. Feel free to email if you need an ear and a shoulder to cry on.

All my love, Tamar Raine

I am so sorry. Send all our love to Sylvia, Karl, Camryn and Milo, you, Paul and your boys.

Xox, Suzzie Ashmore
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